Jeffrey Earl Young           Composer

 Jeffrey Earl Young studies under composer Daron Hagen of New York. His tutors have included composers John Anthony Lennon, Paul Salerni, and Martha Bishop. He writes solo, orchestral, chamber, and choral works, and art songs, some of which have been performed at Walden CMR, Connecticut Summerfest, and Charlotte New Music festivals, and concerts in New York, Baltimore, Atlanta, and Hong Kong by Bent Frequency, International Contemporary Ensemble, Pique Collective, Xelana Duo, Terminus Ensemble, Reedsonance, and Georgia State Percussion Ensemble. Jeff's brass quintet “The Best Laid Plan . . .” was a winner in the 2020 N.E.O. Sound competition. His setting in French of Baudelaire's text poem “Enivrez-vous” was premiered at the Bowers-Fader Duo's Fifth Annual New American Art Song Concert, and they premiered his “River Songs” at the Seventh Bowers-Fader New American Art Song Concert in October 2022.

Jeff practiced intellectual property law in Atlanta for 35 years before retiring and turning to writing music. He is a member of the Board of the Emory University Friends of Music.  After spending 3 productive and enjoyable years in Baltimore, he now resides in Decatur, Georgia.